
Entity Definition

Logical Name : InvolvementType
Physical Name : LU_INVLVMNT

Identifies, names and defines the level or extent to which two parties interact. This entity type provides a look up reference for PartyAffiliation instances that define an Influencer- Community combination of parties. It is important in characterizing the level of involvement an influencer and a cusotmer have in a Community.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
InvolvementTypeCode (PK) Identifies and names a category of involvement. Examples: CREATORS - create content and originate ideas for the community CRITICS - review and comment on others' work COLLECTORS - Use material from others, add tag lines, comments JOINERS - Maintain profiles, visit SPECTATORS - Read material, read reviews, etc. INACTIVES - Joined community but not active CD_INVLVMNT_TYP Code varchar(20)
InvolvementDescription Provides a business description of the involvement type. DE_INVLVMNT DescriptionShort varchar(255)
LevelCode A sequentilly organized code that indicates the relative level of involvement from most to least involved. Example 'A' = Creators 'B' = Critics 'C' = Collectors 'D' = Joiners 'E' = Spectators 'F' = Inactives CD_LVL Code varchar(20)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
InvolvementType defines magnitude of inflence of PartyAffiliation

Logical Views containing InvolvementType

Logical View
Logical 06310 - Party - Role View